Thank you for selecting WinCraps ver 1.1 This program runs in a Windows 3.x environment. The program files on this disk have been compressed and will not run without having first been installed to another location. To install WinCraps: - Start your Windows Program Manager - From the FILE menu, select RUN - If you have a game disk, - Place it in your A or B drive - Enter A:SETUP (or B:SETUP) - If you don't have a game disk, - Enter the path to the game files and SETUP - i.e. C:\UNZIPPED\SETUP The Setup program will ask you for the directory in which to install the game (with a default of C:\WINCRAPS). A Program Manager Group and game file icons will also be created. During the installation several system files are loaded which you may or may not already have. If any of these files are present and write protected or in use, a warning message will appear so stating. This is just a notice - installation will continue when you acknowledge the message. Note: WinCraps requires the file VBRUN300.DLL to run. If you downloaded the Shareware version of WinCraps from CompuServe or America Online, you'll need to also download VBRUN300.DLL if you don't already have it (normally found in the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory). Since this file is common to many programs written for Windows, these services have included it in their libraries and asked that users retrieve it separately. If you received WinCraps from another source, such as a distribution disk, then this file is included with the game files. That's it, have fun!